Ideas for using PIXIE

1. Make the children act out the sequence before they enter it into Pixie.

2. Make a maze out of wooden bricks - see if the children can negotiate it without knocking them down.

3. Set up a route using a car or farm mat - picking up passengers on the way.

4. Attach a trailer and see how much it can carry, use a strong elastic band around Pixie.

5. Use masking tape to mark out a road for Pixie to follow. Add some small world characters, pictures or objects along the way.

6. Place on a number mat and get it to stop at certain numbers.

7. Use the letter mat and get it to stop at specific letters.

8. Roll a dice and press the forward arrow that number of times - can be extended to race with another Pixie.

9. Measure how far each Pixie unit is using small bricks.

10. Use a Pixie template to make a roadway

11. Use a book such as 'Rosie's walk' ,'Going on a Bear Hunt' or 'Three little pigs' to make some illustrations on large paper, then get Pixie to follow the route.

12. Attach a marker pen and get the children to experiment and then draw the route that Pixie takes.

13. Make a Pixie grid and stick pictures on which relate to your current module or theme.

14. Download a blank template from www.swallow.co.uk and use in a paint program.


 These ideas are from Ruth Pimentel. Many thanks for permission to publish them here.

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Date Last Modified: 28/2/02