The I.E.E. 1999 Micromouse competitions will take place at the University of Exeter on Saturday 10th July

As of today (27/4/99) there are some 50 entrants for the schools' competition. If you have not entered yet, you must do so straight away as the list will close shortly.

The open classes have very small numbers so far and entries will be allowed up to at least the end of May. If you are a school with more than one mouse, this is an ideal chance to enter your "spare" mice in the open classes and gain an extra prize. You have a much better chance in a field of 3 or 4 than you do in a field of 20! Remember that schools can only enter one mouse in the school's class but they can enter an unlimited number in the open class. The best mice in the open class are very fast indeed, but there are unlikely to be more than one or two of these this year. There is an excellent chance of coming away with a second or third place.

So far there are only a small number of entries in the new 3D class. You might like to have a go at this if you are under 18. I have put together some ideas on the design of mice for this competition. Musings. We have had a go at this competition for the Electronic Design Solutions Show recently. Here is some information. It is not actually as difficult as people think, in fact it may be easier than the super-standard. The important point is that the mouse is allowed to use the walls for physical guidance. (Provided it does not damage them.) A small error just means that it hits the wall, whereas on the super-standard course an error can result in the mouse losing the course altogether.

It appears that places in the accommodation are rapidly filling up. Please use any alternatives that may be available. We shall be staying with relatives to help to relieve the pressure.

 You can email queries to us at:- sales@swallow.co.uk

Date Last Modified: 27/4/99