
is the button that tells PIPPIN to start its program. After you press , PIPPIN will carry out the instructions you gave it. If all the instructions are carried out properly, PIPPIN will sing to you at the end. If there is a mistake in your program, PIPPIN will grumble at you.

If PIPPIN has no program, it will do nothing and then sing to you.

You can make PIPPIN stop its program by pressing any key. PIPPIN will stop straight away and grumble at you.

If PIPPIN is stopped from moving, for instance it might run into a wall, it will stop and grumble at you.

PIPPIN does not start to run its program until you take your finger off .


tells PIPPIN to run the last instruction in the program. It is just like except that it does not run the program list from the start but from the end. It just carries out the last instruction.

There are two exceptions:-

    If the last instruction is , PIPPIN will flash and give a beep once for each repeat.


  If the last instruction is , PIPPIN will run the list from the matching up to the , the number of times that were asked for in .


If PIPPIN does not have a program, it will grumble.

You can make PIPPIN stop its program by pressing any key. PIPPIN will stop straight away and grumble at you.

If PIPPIN is stopped from moving, for instance it might run into a wall, it will stop and grumble at you.

PIPPIN does not start to run until you take your finger off .