Controlling the simulator's memory

There are three keyboard keys for telling the simulator to forget instructions and to remember them. These do the same as they do on PIP. Whole programs can be saved and reloaded using and


stands for Clear Memory. This key will make the simulator forget all the instructions in its program. When you press , the simulator will forget everything you have told it.


stands for Clear Entry. If you make a mistake in entering a program, you can rub it out with .

tells the simulator to forget the last command (white key) together with any numbers that go with it. If you make a mistake putting a number in you will have to re-enter the command as well as the number.

Every time you press , the simulator will forget the last command in its program. If you press often enough it will forget everything.

If you press when PIP has nothing in its memory, PIP will grumble at you and give an error message.


stands for Restore Memory. Sometimes you might press or by mistake and can help you recover your work. will restore the simulator's program to the last complete program it had. If you have entered an instruction after rubbing something out, PIP cannot restore the old program.

Date Last Modified: 11/9/01